Upcycling is a word for making literally awesome things from waste as opposed to recycling them. In theory, I was made to take part in do-it-yourself (DIY) projects and use every scrap of material I use to get rid of all the guilt of not being eco-friendly. Practically, I have a lot of preconceived ideas that I'm trying to get rid of.
The city-girl/Saudi in me can't help but ask how sanitary the following are, even though I know they're cleaner than the "new" items on the supermarket shelves that have been to numerous warehouses and as cargo on many modes of transport.
I think this will change though, because these look too cool to not try!

Vintage suitcases turned pet beds by Atomic Attic via Freshome

Ocean Parts by Koby Sibony: art pieces made from waste found on the beach and metal wires via Green Prophet

How to make a disco ball lamp like Ed Chew via Dornob

Yep, that's what it ends up looking like. You must check out more at Ed Chew's site.

Filing cabinet turned rolling kitchen cart by Curbly via Apartment Therapy
But it's not always rosy happy times with upcycling. It can go too far...

Yeah. Real human teeth. Check out more upcycled creations that went too far at Mother Nature Network.